Extended self-consumption
A new era begins!_

In the near future, self-consumption of electrical energy will no longer only be physical, but also virtual.

Until now, in order to be able to speak of self-consumption, the electricity generation system had to be connected directly to the consumption unit.

What is absolutely new is that self-consumption can now also be organised in a virtual sense, as an exchange between the various participants that are physically separated from each other.

This means that, depending on the configuration, the consumer can utilise the electrical energy fed into the public grid at another production point.

Until the full implementation of EU Directive 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of electricity from renewable energy sources, it will soon be possible to create the respective configurations.


Do you have any questions?_

Do not hesitate to contact us.

The virtual application of self-consumption is imminent and will be entirely digital!

With artificial intelligence and software from EN_EVO!

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