Group of self-consumers
collectively acting_
A group of self-consumers is a combination of at least two separate parties who are part of the configuration as a final customer and/or producer belonging to the group (i.e. subscribers to a private law contract) and at least two separate connection points to which a consumer and a production/UP plant respectively are connected.
The connection points of the final customers of a group of self-consumers must be located in the area belonging to the same building or block of buildings. The installations may be located in the building or apartment complex or also at other sites in the full availability of one or more final customers of the group, but always within the area pertaining to the same primary cabin.
Several renewable source installations or plant upgrades may be included in the configurations, also equipped with storage systems.
The production plants in the configuration may be owned and/or operated by a third-party producer, provided that they are subject to the instructions of the self-consumer group.
- There is no need to create a new legal entity: the group is created through an agreement with minimum requirements
- Large companies and central PAs can also participate
- Energy producing enterprises, whose main activity is classified in the ATECO system as 35.11.00 and 35.14.00, cannot be members or partners, but they can play the role of “third party” producer